Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Nuclear War or World War 3?

There have been many reports of wars and rumors of war from media outlets and many other agencies from the US government because of the ongoing threat of North Korea possesses to the United States and its neighbors in the region. North Korea came into existence from the ashes of the Korean War, after the defeat of Imperial Japan in WW2 Japan had to give up all of its conquered territories and colonies, the Soviet Red Army north of the 38th parallel took over the north and the United States Army south of the 38th parallel took over the south.

North and South Korea never signed a peace treaty and are technically still at war with each other but have had a cease fire since the Korean War ended more than 60 years ago, North Korea has been ruled by the Kim Family since the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in 1948 and is a one man dictatorship and one of the world's last remaining hardline communist countries. South Korea was under American occupation until South Koreans held elections in 1948 becoming the Republic of Korea (ROK) being fascist and nationalistic and fanatically anticommunist ruled by a series of military strongmen until the assassination of General Park in 1979 and following the gradual democratization of South Korea.

North Korea has the world's fourth standing at 2 million and is a confirmed nuclear power and their leaders are fanatical and extremists and its people living in poverty where national life is surrounded by the cult of personality centered around the Kim Family. The Donald Trump administration has taken a hardline stance on North Korea and has repeated many times that North Korea will face the "Armed and Military might of the United States Armed Forces" and North Korea has threatened to "Turn Seoul into a Lake of Fire" and has tested missiles close to Japan and has the capacity to bomb Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and other important allies in the region.   

If worst case scenario there is war South Korea will be the first to have major losses being right in the middle of the conflict and causalities would be in the millions, China would have a major humanitarian crisis with massive exodus of refugees fleeing across its borders and causing instability in the northeast part of the country, Japan would have cities destroyed and mass lost of life from nuclear attacks and the United States would lose half of its military due to the suicidal and fanatically North Korean Army.

In my opinion the United States needs to be very careful on dealing with North Korea, North Korea is the closest enemy within striking distance of the Pacific Coast of the United States and they have leaders that don't care to bring Armageddon and destroy the world as we know it. The United States needs to use China to get North Korea to back down and to take it easy and offer some kind of economic incentive in exchange to disarm and stop its nuclear ambitions before it gets out of hand, because God Forbid if there is another world war its a war where nobody will win.