Friday, January 27, 2017

The Wall: Will It Resolve The Issue of Illegal Immigration or Lead to Civil War in Mexico

The Trump Wall 

Its official that President-Elect Donald Trump will keep his promise of building the wall along the US-Mexican Border and it will cause billions to make and President Trump has said that Mexico will pay for the construction of the wall to keep illegal immigrants and drugs out of America, but will it be effective? or will bring more problems? 

The United States has been fed up with the flow of illegal immigration from Mexico and the Mexican government's refusal to curb the tide of people sneaking into the United States has prompted President-Elect Trump approve the construction of the wall and many people in the United both worry both Liberals and Conservatives what the consequences can come from sealing the border shut completely. 

Mexico is the only country in Latin America that hasn't had a people's revolution since 1911 when Dictator  Porfirio Díaz was ousted and exiled to France. Mexico is one of the most corrupted countries in the world where millions of people survive on less than $2 a dollar while being very rich in natural resources and the small White minority that rules with a iron fist over a majority Mestizo nation. 

The Mexican government has always had the borders open to dump its poor and its people on the other side of the border because it helps to keep the people from rising up because they always have somewhere to go and if Trump is successful in building the wall and completely shutting the flow people out of the country and the people don't have no where else to go and cause Mexico to become unstable and can lead to civil war in Mexico and that is what the Mexican government doesn't want is a people's revolution where they know that will lose. 

The Trump can lead to both economic disasters on both sides of the borders and could lead to diplomatic relations being broken off, the prices of food and basic commodities going up and more hostilities towards Mexican-Americans and more Anti-Hispanic sentiment than there already is. 

If Mexico were to collapse and become a failed state it will create a humanitarian crisis and a economic disaster that will take decades to recover, however if Mexico were to make reforms like in China, Eastern Europe, Russia and Former Soviet Union and Vietnam there would be more stability and more opportunities for its citizens there wouldn't be this mess in Mexico. But time will tell and we will see what happens.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Will More Guns Make Us Safer?

NRA and Gun Lobby Out of Control 

2016 was a year of a lot of deaths from celebrities to political figures, but nothing is more horrendous than what happened at Fort Lauderdale, which is the first mass shooting of 2017. The shooter was identified as 26 year old Esteben Santiago, He was a native of New Jersey but raised in Puerto Rico, he was a Iraq War Veteran and was suffering from mental illness and schizophrenia. 

He was hospitalized a couple of times and let go and what gets me is the military knew that he had gone to the FBI agency in Alaska and he told the agents there that he was hearing voices in his head telling him to join ISIS and that the CIA and US Intelligence was "Invading" his mind and they did nothing to take away his gun and they allowed him to keep his gun and board an airplane with it, which sadly was the same weapon that he used to commit that horrible shooting in Florida.  

The NRA and Gun Lobbyists are quick to say that more guns are needed to keep society safer and there shouldn't be any background checks and people should have access to any type of weapons they want, including weapons of war that have no useful purpose except to kill people in war.

The United Sates of America is the only advanced nation on earth where the people and government doesn't have commonsense when it comes to guns and the people's ignorance and irresponsibility to having guns and not screening people that have records and mental illness. It is commonsense that of a person is a danger to themselves and to others they shouldn't be allowed to legally own a firearm  but in the case of Dylan Roof and Esteben Santiago there were warning signs that they were unstable but nobody did anything to stop them. 

The NRA could care less how many innocent people die at the hands of mass murderers they only care about one thing...Profit and it needs to stop. More and more people are dying at the hands of people that own weapons legally purchased at gun shows and on the internet and it has to stop because the murder rate will go up and by letting people have more guns and more ammunition will not make us safer it will make it worse. 

If having guns made us safer America would be one of the safest countries in the world, its not its the opposite. There needs to be stricter background checks on people that want to own a firearm and the loopholes need to be shut to prevent firearms getting into the wrong hands. People and Government need to be responsible and take responsibility with regards to firearms. A Gun is not a toy it is dangerous and it can kill people and it needs to be taught to both adults and children. People need to be educated because that will be the only way to save lives not adding to the problem.