Thursday, December 22, 2016

Crony Capitalism: The Decandance of Capitalism

Crony Capitalism: Free Market or Capitalism Without Morals?

One of the biggest arguments that advocates for Capitalism and a Free Market System is there shouldn't be any type of government regulations or taxes of any kind for that matter, because according to Free Market Capitalists unregulated capitalism is the best system economic model to follow and it helps to create jobs and companies have the economic freedom to be more productive and make more money. But is it really true? or is it a fantasy for millions of working people to dream of having a better future at the expensive of their living wages and labor and work safety laws? 

As imperfect as government is government is there put laws in place as protection not only for the citizens but also for the workers, for example we have minimum wages that is a fixed salary where a employer by law cannot pay a employee below that fixed amount, it protects the worker from being exploited by the employer and we have also have labor and safety regulation laws that protect the worker from being put in any physical danger and that the employer maintains a safe and clean work environment. 

Laissez-Faire advocates advocate complete independent ownership and allows businesses and companies to do what they want without having to worry about repercussions of their actions and that is dangerous because if companies had their way they would pay the workers whatever they wanted and fire and lay off millions of people, not give them benefits or a living wage and they would be working under conditions of slavery and servitude. Private Businesses can discriminate against potential candidates based on race, creed, national origin and gender and it creates more poverty and income inequality and it doesn't benefit the economy, the people or businesses it just creates a free for all system where any private individual or corporation can take over another company or a city or town and the people have no say and they can manipulate the government in doing what they want to do and not the will and welfare of the people. 

Crony Capitalism and Larissez-Fairse economics are not only dangerous but suicidal because it gives absolute power and control over means of production and capital to one individual or corporate entity where they could care less about the social welfare of the people and the workers but only caring about their profiting off the people and creating monopolies where they control everything and there is no free or fair competition and the government is merely the puppet of the corporations and to serve the interest of the special interest groups and not the people. The Capitalism that the United States has today is not the same capitalism that existed back in the 1950s it was a form of capitalism that worked for everyone and everyone benefited not just a select few, when everything became corporate workers became commodities that can be disposed at anytime and that created the downfall of the economy and the American worker.

Female Pedophiles: The Underground Movement of Sick People

Female Pedophiles: The New Menace To Society

When people hear the word "Pedophile" what comes to mind is a man, while its true according to statistics most pedophiles that rape and assault children are male, the female pedophiles rape and assualt children are overlooked and many times even ignored because of pressure by Feminist and Lesbian Groups that continue to say only men are violent and commit sexual assault and not women. 

Mary Kay Letourneau; was one of the first publicly known cases of a female pedophile that a started a sexual relationship with her then 13 year old student while she was a junior high school teacher she eventually was arrested and convicted of statuary rape and was sentenced for 8 years in prison but there really wasn't any public outcry over the sentencing because she was female and her victim was male. 

Women are most likely to be least persecuted by the law because of the double standard of society and the fact that the criminal justice system is biased and gender discriminatory when it comes to women, meaning that if a woman commits a sexual crime against a child or a person under 18 they are not punished the same way for the same crime as a man would be punished. Which is wrong and immoral because what message is it sending to our society? That if a man commits a crime he most persecuted to the fullest extend of the law but if a woman does it its not as serious and sometimes they don't any punishment at all? 

If we are going to have true equality women must be treated the same way as men in relation to crimes committed by pedophile offenders regardless of their gender or appearance of the person. Men continue to be the ones be punished by the system and the woman who committed the exact same crime doesn't get the same punishment. Just because a woman is not as strong as a man doesn't mean they can't be violent or abusive or exploitative of children and teenagers, Women are master manipulators and they know how to use their sexuality and charm to get away with things and do what they want and that has to stop, we have to protect our children not only from men that rape  but also women as well. 


Saturday, November 26, 2016

Islam: At A Crossroads

Islam: A Religion Going in Two Directions 

Islam is the second largest religion in the world at 1.5 Billion people its catching up with Christianity in terms of population and status and Islam is a religion that has brought a lot of good to the world and knowledge of science and culture. Islam reemphasized Monotheism and to bring it back to the world is the one true path. 

The Prophet Mohammed spoke of the people of the book as fellow Monotheists, i.e. Christians and Jews as people to be protected and looked after in Muslim lands but it hasn't been the case after the Prophet's death in 632 CE in the Arabian Peninsula, Islam became divided into two sects or branches Sunnis and Shias, Sunni Muslims believe that after the death of the Prophet there was not going to be any successor for the Ummah (Body of Believers) and Shias believed that Mohammed appointed his cousin Ali and son in law as successor to the faith. 

The Arabs were united by Mohammed by religion and culture and with it they spread and conquered the middle east and building a empire that stretched from Spain in Europe to Indonesia in Asia and for 800 years it ruled over Spain and brought a golden age in where the only time in history where all three religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism lived side by side in peace and prosperity. 

After 1492 the Spanish Crown under the Queen Isabella reconquered Spain and pushed the Muslims out of Spain and after the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottoman Turks and the creation of the Ottoman Empire, the Turks replaced the Arabs as the Caliphate of the Muslim world and they began to spread into Europe, Africa and the Middle East and Caucasus forming the largest and longest surviving empire that lasted five centuries until the end of World War I. 

There is been a break between Reformers that want to bring Islam into the 21st century and modernized the faith while you have the extremists that want to bring Islam back to the 7th century where it was a primitive and tribal society. 

Islam as with Christianity has done many acts of evil and violence towards Christians and Jews and people of other faiths and especially towards women in countries like Saudi Arabia where women are not allowed to drive or leave the home without their husband or male relative. with 9/11 and the creation of ISIS, Muslims need to evaluate themselves and need to discuss about denouncing the extremist elements from within and to bring Islam into the modern world so there may be peace and stability in the world.        

Judaism: Ultra Orthodox Vs. Ultra Secular. The Jewish Problem Among Jews

Judaism: Religion or Culture, Race or Both?

Judaism is one of the world's smallest religions but has made a big impact on the world through the knowledge of the Torah and enlightening the world through the belief and the existence of one God and making the awareness of Monotheism and to be in communion with God through tradition and rituals   

Originally theocratic, Judaism has evolved in the last four centuries as a congregational polity centered around the synagogue and the Torah, Jews are taught from birth to read and prayer in Hebrew and to study the Torah and the Talmud for hours at a time to be closer to God. Since the destruction of the second temple have been dispersed to the four corners of the world, thus creating the diaspora or exile. 

Two schisms formed in the exile after the destruction of the temple, Ashkenazim, Jews that settled in the lands of the Rhine in Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe where they developed Yiddish which is a dialect of High German and Hebrew and Sephardim, Jews that settled in the Iberian Peninsula of Spain and Portugal and they also developed their own dialect called Ladino which is a dialect of Castilian Spanish and Hebrew. 

During the last three centuries there was the Haskalah  the Jewish enlightenment movement that was swiping across Europe, many Jews became emancipated and they were granted the same rights as their Gentile neighbors and many Jews became assimilated and many decided to abandon their Jewish beliefs which led to the rise of Reform Judaism, while those who refused to become assimilated into European society became to be known as Orthodox Jews or Orthodox Judaism where they stressed that Halacha (Jewish Law) is still binding and uncompromising. 

Since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 there is been a uneasy truce between the Religious establishment and the Secular government which has led to making Israel being divided against itself, Religious vs Secular, Sephardic vs Ashkenazi, Orthodox vs Reform (Liberal) and Conservative (Masorti) etc etc. 

The status of who is a Jew? i.e. born to a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism according to Halacha and the refusal of the Haredi (Ultra Orthodox) authorities to recognize conversions and marriages performed by Conservative and Reform auspices has led to even more division and not to mention of constant racial discrimination of Sephardic and Mizrachi (Orienal) Jews by the dominant Ashkenazi establishment doesn't make things better for life for Jews in Israel and the diaspora. 

In order for Jews and Judaism to survive in the next century there needs to be unity, Jewish unity and whatever differences Jews may have with each other must be put aside and they need to unite and more forward as a nation and as a religion and people, Because history has shown us when there is religious, moral and social decay it leads to societies and countries to collapse and disappear. 

Failure of Christianity

Why has Christianity failed?

For 2000 years, since Jesus Christ walked this earth and went, his followers have spread Christianity from its humble beginnings to what it is today the world's largest religion. But it was been done peacefully at first though the disciples of Christ through the sermon of the mount to the conversion of the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus, where Christianity really flourished. 

But the question is why has Christianity declined? For several reasons, one the Catholic Church and the theocracy of the Pope that the western world had for nearly 500 years up until the Protestant Reformation of 1517 by Martin Luther, two the inquisitions, mass murders of anyone that owned a bible and the crusades where Christian Soldiers invaded and pillaged lands and raped and massacred entire populations of Jews, Muslims, Pagans and Orthodox Christians through out the Byzantine Empire.  

America when it was founded by European colonists, originally were fleeing from the unholy union between church and autocracy of the King and wanted to have a wall between the church and state so people would be free to follow what religion they wanted or to have freedom from religion if they choose so. It's written in the Constitution on the declaration of independence stating:

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law an establishment of religion.

But overtime as America became independent and became a powerful country, the Christian extremists from within have tried for many years to impose its own interpretation of Christianity and Biblical law and they have pushed many people away from the faith and as people have become more educated and secularized people have decided to either renounce Christianity completely or embrace other beliefs and practices that they feel are more compatible with the modern world and to discard Christianity as outdated and uncompromising. 

During the middle half of the 20th century after the end of World War II European and Western Civilization has become post-christian, Christianity has no influence in public life, references to God and Jesus are removed from schools and secular institutions and Christianity is seen as a religion of superstition and backwardness and people don't want to be associated with Christianity in general. 

The Roman Catholic Church continues to loses millions of people yearly and many churches are being shut down due to the lack of congregants, the Orthodox Church has also lost millions of people due being a national church and church more based on ethnicity and nationality than faith, Mainline Protestant Churches have shrunk due to the lack of spirituality and closeness to God and the Evangelicals and Pentecostals and born again Christian cults due to their fundamentalist and extremist views on the bible and wanted to impose on others though proselytizing and street and television evangelism which has turned off many people, because of their racist, xenophobic, judgmental and intolerance towards progressive and secular views and values. 

Until Christianity especially in America finally comes to terms with its past and face the consequences and properly atone for its past sins and make amends with the world, Christianity will continue to dwindle in a exhilarating rate and people will continue to abhor it as a disease and a ideology that is comparable to Fascism.    

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Steve Bannon and The Future of White Nationalism

Meet Steve Bannon 

With the election finally over and Donald Trump elected as president you would think the political freak show would be over but its just beginning... Meet Steve Bannon he is a controversial conservative filmmaker and the publication chairman of Breitbart News, which is a online news website which serves as a platform for the Alt-Right Movement which is a loose organization composed of Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Antisemites and the extreme far right. 

Before becoming chief strategist and senior adviser to the president Mr. Bannon was the number one figure for the Alt-Right Movement and he is well known to be a open Neo Nazi and White Nationalist that is a conservative that believes that traditional and conservative views are under assault by multiculturalism, immigration, intermarriage and the political left. He has been a man that is in my opinion very dangerous because of past and his current association with Breitbart and White Nationalist organizations. 

Steve Bannon wants to bring the Angry, White, Male population that is angry and frustrated with the status quo into the mainstream and with Donald Trump's election, Steve Bannon is doing a great job fanning the flames of hatred and exploiting the fact that the economy is down and unemployment is widespread and rampant and making the Alt-Right the perfect place for all the hate groups to voice their opinions and views out in the open and its working very well. America has embraced fascism and ultra-nationalism why? because Trump has promised the White, Blue-Collar Worker with dignity and pride which many feel White Americans has been taken away from them though Affirmation Action, Multiculturalism and Liberalism. 

This man Steve Bannon is a Fascist and a hatemonger and a threat to political stability and racial hegemony to the United States and by becoming part of the government we will start to see Bigotry, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, Antisemitism getting worse and worse by the day. There have been violent clashes between Anti-Trump protesters and Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists and hate crimes are on the rise, this is not what we need at this moment we need healing, unity and peace not division and polarization that already have and Mr. Bannon is doing just that dividing the people and the nation and making hate normal and acceptable.           

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Fourth Reich

Donald Trump and the Fourth Reich

Its like a really horrible dream that Donald Trump won the presidency of the United States, but its not he really won and its very scary because this is a man of pure and a man of perdition as they say. Donald Trump represents everything with what is wrong with America, all the White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis and KKK groups have gotten together and have become a big force and they are responsible for bringing Trump to power. 

The Nazis have spoken of a Fourth Reich later in the future and it would be the future restoration of the Nazi Empire many people assumed it would be a united Germany that is the dominant economy of the European Union but in reality America is the future and currently the new Fourth Reich.

The Election of Donald Trump has come to many as a surprise to many people because many thought that someone that is irrational and extreme as Trump would have lost to Hillary Clinton being that Trump has no experience as a politician or has any formal political education or training, he is just a mere businessman with no college degree. 

But in a way its not a surprise because history has shown us that during times of economic crisis and high unemployment the people will listen to anyone that promises to get the economy out of the hole and to restore ethnic and national pride to the country. Whites in America feel that they were becoming a minority in their own country and their civil rights were being trampled on and they blamed the Jews, Hispanics,Blacks, Immigrants and Liberals for society becoming morally and ethically corrupt. 

Fascism has taken over America and White Nationalism and Neo-Nazism has become mainstream and the demonetization of Hispanics and Muslims and of Immigrants and Women will be accepted and tolerated and hatred has become open and very vocal and I worry that people will be humiliated and abused and be accused of treason just for having a difference of opinion. 

There will be more acts of political violence towards opponents and more clashes between White Nationalists and Minorities and the divide will separate people even more instead of uniting them and that is not what we need we don't need anymore division then what we already have. Division, political and urban decay caused the Roman Empire to collapse. 

I feel that we are in the end of days and the man of perdition has been revealed and the devil incarnate has been manifested though Donald Trump whoever has voted for him has blood on their hands and they will be held responsible for destroying the little of what;s left of this once great nation. 

When people forgot the past, history repeats itself.  


I fade to black
If i search for the light
Can you bring me back
Of this unconscious life
Can you show me the way
I'm lost in the dark
I've fallen apart
Can you not break my heart?
So i can breathe
Before i suffocate
Before it's all too late
Before i die this way
I need to breeeeeeathe
Before i slip away
Why there's nothing i can say
Can you help me?
I need to...breathe
I hear the angels calling
Can you send one down?
I see the demons crawling
Everywhere around
Can you pull me out?
From the mess i've made
Before my lungs collapse
And there's no turning back
I need to breathe
Before i suffocate
Before it's all too late
Before i die this way
I need to breeeeeeathe
Before i slip away
Why there's nothing i can say
Can you help me?
I need to breeeeeeathe
I fade to black
If i search for the light
Can you bring me back
Of this unconscious life
Before i suffocate
Before it's all too late
Before i die this way
I need to breeeeeeathe
Before i slip away
Why there's nothing i can say
Can you help me?
I need to breeeeeeathe
(Before i slip away)
I need to breeeeeeathe
(Before it's all too late)
I need to breeeeeeathe
(Before i die this way)
I need to breeeeeeathe
I need to
I need to

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Donald Trump and Alt-Right Movement

The Alt-Right Movement and the Fourth Reich

I have been around for only 33 years and I have been able to vote since 2001 which is a little more than 10 years ago and never have I seen so much hatred and political violence since Donald Trump has decided to run for office of the president of the United States. All of the White Nationalists, Neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan groups have found their savior in Donald Trump. 

Donald Trump gave a voice for the millions of Racists and Far-Right groups wanted and now hate has become open and the mainstream today than over before not since the 1960s has there been a resurgence of hatred towards people of different opinions and demonizing and dehumanizing others just because they don't agree with one another this is not what America is about and America is leaning more and more everyday towards the Far-Right and if G-d forbids Trump becomes president we will have the Fourth Reich here in America that will make the Third Reich or Nazi Germany look like a pariah of today's North Korea. 

Millions of White Americans particularly feel that Whites are becoming a minority in America due low birth rates, increased immigration from non white countries and intermarriage with non-white people and with the economy that has become a bear market in the last 30 years and the consant de-industrialization of America's cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, St Louis etc in the Midwest have caused many people to turn to Donald Trump as their leader that will lead them out of poverty and to regain pride and their dignity back. 

Fascism is nothing new in America, but during times of economic downturns it becomes dominant especially in the working-class populations of whites in the conservative Midwest and South. Believing that their way of life is being threatened by the liberal establishment and the politicians that are sold out to the big bankers in Wall Street. So when Donald Trump appears and expresses what the people are feeling and thinking they quickly embrace him as one of their own that will save them from the pits of hell.

 Adolf Hitler came into power during a time when Germany was in economic ruins and it was devastated by the first world war and many Germans were suffering and they blamed their government the Weimer Republic and it swept Hitler into political power and many German ignored the abuses he was doing towards political opponents and looked the other way when minorities were being persecuted by the Third Reich why? Simply because Hitler had restored the economy and the ethnic and national pride of the German People, That's how many White Americans feel today, that their pride and their values are being trampled on by people that they see as parasites and undesirables and they want America where Whites reign supreme. 

White Supremacy or White Nationalism takes different forms not all groups are same and ideologically the same even though they are united by race and hatred towards Jews, African Americans, Hispanics and other Non-Whites, For example Jared Taylor the founder of American Resistance is unique because of the lack of Antisemitism from his views and his organization even though he welcomes known Neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers and Antisemites. While David Duke who was a former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan is very Antisemitic and critical of Jews and Israel and Tom Meztger the founder of WAR or "White Aryan Resistance" believes in forming a separate homeland for Aryan people in the Northwest of the United States and more extreme Far-Right leaders like Daniel William Johnson proposes a more extreme solution by mass deporting Non-Whites from the United States and placing Native Americans and Native Alaskans in reservations that was proposed by J.B. Stoner called The Pace Amendment. 

With the recent attack on David French, who is a Conservative and Retired Army Veteran by Trump Supporters the way they took a picture of his daughter who is adopted from Ethiopia and using racial slurs against his family and threatening physically his person and his family is appalling we are fast becoming a Fascist state with these types of political attacks and people condoning this type of behavior from hateful people that are intolerant and xenophobic. 

We need to stand up to these people and the American people cannot allow this man (Donald Trump)to become president because if he does there will be a dark day in America that there was and never will be again. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Duck Drawings

These are very good pieces of art made by my little brother Chris. my favorite one is the one called space ducks its very texted and detailed and it shows the dept of the expressions of the characters. Chris is a very talented artist that speaks emotions and feelings through his art and poems. I always try to be there as a consequence to him and be there for him as a brother that he never had growing up. So I appreciate whatever he sends me or gives me. seeing these drawings made me happy and it really brighten up my day. Thank You Chris 

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Some days are worse than others
Some days I cannot feel a thing
Someday I might just prove you wrong
Something just might go my way

Today I've got something to prove to you
All these things I never do for you
Making you angrier everyday
Pushing you farther away

You make me a mess
I can't keep it together
Somehow, someway
I'm gonna prove you wrong
I'm gonna prove you wrong

Someday I might stay sober
Figure out where I went wrong
Make some sense of what's left of me
Make a go of this alone

I've got nothing left for you
So sick of all the things you do
Turn your back on me everyday
Youre pushing me farther away

You make me a mess
I can't keep it together
Somehow, someway
I'm gonna Prove you wrong
I'm gonna prove you wrong

Sunday, October 2, 2016

I Don't Feel I'm Part of This Country

Many people have told me that I should be proud to be American and proud to be born in such a rich country and blah blah blah, but the reality has been very different for me I feel that ever since Donald Trump has decided to run for president of the United States all of the White Supremacist and Hate groups have become part of the mainstream. I feel ashamed the way this country has turned and the way the American people have become everything is a racial and religious bias and if you are not Christian or Republican you are not a true American, its very disgusting and appalling I don't bother to debate people or reason anymore because its a waste of time and energy.

I don't trust people anymore like I use to everyone is fake, a liar, a fraud, nobody is your friend and people only care to use or benefit you one way or the other there is no such thing as loyalty. Christianity is a evil and demonic religion that has been used by the Republican Party to spew hatred, racism, xenophobia and the demonetization of Hispanics and Blacks and to promote White Supremacy, Male Supremacy, Christian Supremacy in America.

If I had the money to leave America and start over somewhere else I would leave and never come back but that is not the reality of life, I wish my life would have been different or I would have been born to better parents or been a little bit lighter in skin color maybe my life would have been happier and more stable. I hate America and the way America has treated me like an animal and outcast, same thing with the White People, The Christians, The Jews and the racist people in this country that are intolerant and backward. This is the reason why the whole world hates America not because we are the richest country on earth but how we treat our poor, our children, our oppressed, our most vulnerable citizens.


Hikaru Shidou

I finally ordered my Hikaru Shidou plushie from Hong Kong on ebay. I have recently started to collect Magic Knight Rayearth collectibles like the games and toys. Hikaru who is the leader of the group reminds me so much of my ex fiancee's her personality its very creepy because its been a year since we broke up. But at least Hikaru is keeping me happy. That's all that matters.

Stronger Though The Fire

I breathe
I breathe to see the truth
And it's not you anymore
I don't need your complications
Greed is all you offer
Fuck that, I don't need that
You will never define me
Fuck that, I don't need that
You will never complete me
Fuck that, I don't need that
You will never control me
Fuck that, I don't need that
You will never break me down
I can't believe in you any longer (any longer)
I am stronger
I can't believe in you any longer (any longer)
I am stronger, stronger than you
You are empty, you are guilty you are dead (you are dead)
Dead to me and I'm never looking back (back, back)
I will leave you behind rusted (rusted)
Lost in time
Fuck that, I don't need that
You will never define me
Fuck that, I don't need that
You will never complete me
Fuck that, I don't need that
You will never control me
Fuck that, I don't need that
You will never break me down
I can't believe in you any longer (any longer)
I am stronger
I can't believe in you any longer (any longer)
I am stronger, stronger than you
Hold me under, but now I'm well (you're never, never gonna break me down)
(You're never, never gonna break me down)
And you ripped my heart out, but now I'm well (you're never, never gonna break me down)
(You're never, never gonna break me down)
And you stole my soul, but now I'm whole
Now I'm whole
Fuck that
I can't believe in you any longer (any longer)
I am stronger
I can't believe in you any longer (any longer)
I am stronger, stronger than you
I believe
I'm stronger than you
I believe
I'm stronger than you
I believe
I'm stronger than you
I believe
I'm stronger than you
I'm stronger than you
I'm stronger than you

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hikaru Amagi

I don't know where to begin but I first came across Hikaru Amagi in a full page ad in Wizard Magazine, which is a Magazine that keeps up with the latest things on Comic Book culture. I wish I still had the magazine because it had Ash Ketchum and Pikachu on the front cover, this was back in 1999 when Pokemon was in its prime and the craze. Hikaru Amagi is the main character of the Anime Hyper Spreed Grandoll she is the daughter of the last surviving royalty that had died during the civil war engulfing her home planet, The Planet Grand. The story is similar to superman being that she was discovered by a couple and they raised her as their own. I just fell in love with her seeing her sweet and bubbly personality and just a very cute and humble demeanor. I love her smile her hair her voice her pink hair in large pigtails tied with ribbons on top and her glasses. If she was real I would hug her, kiss her, squeeze her and just kiss her forehead and tell her that I love her very much. She is my second dream girl I would love to have because she is pure and innocent. No evil and malice in her. Maybe one day I will have a Hikaru maybe... I love always my beloved Hikaru hugs and kisses xoxoxoxoxxox



I have loved ducks since I was a baby in pictures they have always been around me. I had ducks when I was growing up as a child in my hometown. My parents had half an acre and I had a little farm I had a white pekin duck named garffy and I raised him since I was a kid and he use to follow me around everywhere I went I use to carry him and I would just smile when he would quack and he would smile at me with his little smirk. Over time I have had different ducks in different places and homes I have lived in I had pekin ducks, mallards, black ducks and miniature ones of different breeds that I cannot remember. The last ducks I own was in 1998 and sadly I had to give them up because I had to move out of state. But I always kept duck stuff like plushies, picture frames, toys and anything duck related. When I was in depression or sad I would take a duck plushie and just hug it and cry with it for comfort. If I ever own a home or a farm I want to have a duck farm and raise them as my family. 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

My Little Brother Chris I love him very much

My Modeling head-shots in the bathroom

My girlfriend Sailor Jupiter

Me in the flesh

My favorite cousin in the whole wide world and second my mom Desiree

My Best Friend and Brother in Life Kazuhiro

If I had one dream for just one night I would love to be with Sailor Jupiter

My Sailor Moon Plushie

My beloved and my true love Sailor Jupiter

My Love Sailor Jupiter

My love Sailor Jupiter

I have been a fan of Sailor Jupiter since Sailor Moon same out in America in 1995. I fell in love of Sailor Jupiter's personality and character because she was like a outsider like myself I felt I could relate to her in many ways. She is tall, pretty, trying to be feminine as much as possible and she always wears rosebud earrings in her ears even in when she is in civilian form. I have always dreamed having marrying and dating Sailor Jupiter if she was a real person because she is so perfect in so many ways. I know she isn't real but she gives me peace, happiness and safety when I look at her, I have a Sailor Jupiter plushie in my room that I kiss and look at when I'm sad or down and I always play as Sailor Jupiter when I play the arcade version or the Sega version she is a great character to battle as. Her skin is so nice and clean and her eyes are green as emeralds and her hair is brown as amber and she is a tomboy and she likes to do guy things. I feel we would compatible in many ways because of our similar backgrounds and being outside the box. I would love to kiss her and make out with her and just tell her how pretty she is omg kawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!! nyahhhhh :3 Sailor Jupiter makes me feel happy and good inside in just so many ways she will always be my dream girl even if she isn't real I love soooooooooo much. Thank You Sailor Jupiter for being part of my life I love you <3