Thursday, December 22, 2016

Crony Capitalism: The Decandance of Capitalism

Crony Capitalism: Free Market or Capitalism Without Morals?

One of the biggest arguments that advocates for Capitalism and a Free Market System is there shouldn't be any type of government regulations or taxes of any kind for that matter, because according to Free Market Capitalists unregulated capitalism is the best system economic model to follow and it helps to create jobs and companies have the economic freedom to be more productive and make more money. But is it really true? or is it a fantasy for millions of working people to dream of having a better future at the expensive of their living wages and labor and work safety laws? 

As imperfect as government is government is there put laws in place as protection not only for the citizens but also for the workers, for example we have minimum wages that is a fixed salary where a employer by law cannot pay a employee below that fixed amount, it protects the worker from being exploited by the employer and we have also have labor and safety regulation laws that protect the worker from being put in any physical danger and that the employer maintains a safe and clean work environment. 

Laissez-Faire advocates advocate complete independent ownership and allows businesses and companies to do what they want without having to worry about repercussions of their actions and that is dangerous because if companies had their way they would pay the workers whatever they wanted and fire and lay off millions of people, not give them benefits or a living wage and they would be working under conditions of slavery and servitude. Private Businesses can discriminate against potential candidates based on race, creed, national origin and gender and it creates more poverty and income inequality and it doesn't benefit the economy, the people or businesses it just creates a free for all system where any private individual or corporation can take over another company or a city or town and the people have no say and they can manipulate the government in doing what they want to do and not the will and welfare of the people. 

Crony Capitalism and Larissez-Fairse economics are not only dangerous but suicidal because it gives absolute power and control over means of production and capital to one individual or corporate entity where they could care less about the social welfare of the people and the workers but only caring about their profiting off the people and creating monopolies where they control everything and there is no free or fair competition and the government is merely the puppet of the corporations and to serve the interest of the special interest groups and not the people. The Capitalism that the United States has today is not the same capitalism that existed back in the 1950s it was a form of capitalism that worked for everyone and everyone benefited not just a select few, when everything became corporate workers became commodities that can be disposed at anytime and that created the downfall of the economy and the American worker.

Female Pedophiles: The Underground Movement of Sick People

Female Pedophiles: The New Menace To Society

When people hear the word "Pedophile" what comes to mind is a man, while its true according to statistics most pedophiles that rape and assault children are male, the female pedophiles rape and assualt children are overlooked and many times even ignored because of pressure by Feminist and Lesbian Groups that continue to say only men are violent and commit sexual assault and not women. 

Mary Kay Letourneau; was one of the first publicly known cases of a female pedophile that a started a sexual relationship with her then 13 year old student while she was a junior high school teacher she eventually was arrested and convicted of statuary rape and was sentenced for 8 years in prison but there really wasn't any public outcry over the sentencing because she was female and her victim was male. 

Women are most likely to be least persecuted by the law because of the double standard of society and the fact that the criminal justice system is biased and gender discriminatory when it comes to women, meaning that if a woman commits a sexual crime against a child or a person under 18 they are not punished the same way for the same crime as a man would be punished. Which is wrong and immoral because what message is it sending to our society? That if a man commits a crime he most persecuted to the fullest extend of the law but if a woman does it its not as serious and sometimes they don't any punishment at all? 

If we are going to have true equality women must be treated the same way as men in relation to crimes committed by pedophile offenders regardless of their gender or appearance of the person. Men continue to be the ones be punished by the system and the woman who committed the exact same crime doesn't get the same punishment. Just because a woman is not as strong as a man doesn't mean they can't be violent or abusive or exploitative of children and teenagers, Women are master manipulators and they know how to use their sexuality and charm to get away with things and do what they want and that has to stop, we have to protect our children not only from men that rape  but also women as well.